A Small Step, But In The Right Direction

There used to be something of collective sigh of welcome relief when an agreement was reached between superpowers back in the late 20th century – whether it was through arms or CFC reduction or simply something that would generally make the world a slightly happier, or perhaps slightly less dangerous, place in which to live.

Feature Conference

So we come to 2021 and the ongoing Cop 26 summit in Glasgow, where two of the more important world leaders, with respect to potentially addressing climate change, as their countries either are large emitters or large exporters of fossil fuels, didn't actually turn up for the conference in person.

Fortunately, with what looks like a fair amount of backroom negotiation, the US and China (though notably not Russia, or at least not yet) came to a surprise agreement on a joint declaration that would see "close co-operation" on emissions cuts over the next 10 years in an attempt to prevent an average global temperature rise of 1.5C or more.

Though, at this early stage, it is only a declaration of intent rather than a firm commitment to actual cuts it should nonetheless be welcomed considering the alternative - i.e. no action at all.

Effectively, what we should take from this declaration is that it underlines the importance that both countries attach to the potentially catastrophic effects of global climate change and its effect both on the world, their countries, and naturally their economies.

Additionally, it's also important to note that this declaration also marks the first time, for some time, that the US and China have committed to work together for the good of both.

Here's hoping that this is just the start of further collaboration across a range of areas that can make the world, not only a safer place to live in now, but also for it to remain a safe place in which to live for the foreseeable future.

As is said, the 'proof of the pudding is in the eating', now we at least have the recipe.

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